Stonethorn DLC Game Pack

Confront a rising threat and uncover a monstrous secret with Castle Thorn and Stone Garden, two challenging dungeons that continue the year-long saga.

Assault Castle Thorn

Invade an ancient fortress to confront a rising Vampire army and its dark master before they can threaten Western Skyrim.

Discover the Stone Garden

Investigate and shut down the horrifying creations of a mad alchemist, hidden deep within a secret, mysterious laboratory.

A Dark Heart of Skyrim Story

Continue (or begin) your Dark Heart of Skyrim adventure! Discover two new stories that continue the year-long narrative.

Unholy Rewards

Loot your vanquished foes and complete Achievements to claim unique rewards, including powerful new gear sets and grim collectibles.

Castle Thorn

After years of isolation, the mysterious Lady Thorn amasses a dread army within the walls of her ancient castle. Gather your allies, storm the fortress gate, and stop the Thorn Legion before it marches on Western Skyrim. 

Stone Garden

Deep within the caverns of Blackreach, a mad alchemist feverishly perfects his devious creations. Enter the Stone Garden, uncover the dark laboratory's secrets, and put a stop to the heinous experiments at its heart.

Latest Stonethorn News

Now available on PC/Mac, Xbox, and PlayStation® via ESO Plus™ Membership or the Crown Store.