Glass Atronach Dwarven Spider

1200 Crown Gems
16000 Seals of Endeavors


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"In pursuit of ever more esoteric materials, I have drawn upon the most curious of realmic threads. Shards of mirror unending, on to the horizon and more. The whole place permeated with the deepest sense of loss." —Journal of the Spidersmith

About the Crown Store

Crown Store items are purchased in the in-game Crown Store. To buy any of the Crown Store's special items, you'll need crowns, a virtual in-game currency. Crowns can be purchased in packs of 750, 1500, 3000, 5500, 14000, and 21000 Crowns. In addition, you can get a monthly allotment of crowns by signing up for an ESO Plus™ membership. Learn more about member benefits.

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