Emerging from the Shadows,
A Coronet of Darkness Surrounds You

Nightblades are opportunists with a gift for getting in and out of trouble. They rely on stealth and speed to dominate the battlefield.

Emerging from the Shadows, A Coronet of Darkness Surrounds You

Nightblades are opportunists with a gift for getting in and out of trouble. They rely on stealth and speed to dominate the battlefield. These shadow agents thrive on conflict and chaos, trusting their luck and cunning to survive. The Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild won't directly aid your prowess in combat, but their members will welcome you with open arms.

As with every class in Elder Scrolls Online, Nightblades are excellent in any role.

The Nightblade has always been a standout damage dealer. A pair of one-handed weapons, a bow, and medium armor will complete the classic look.

Channel your ability points into Stamina, and your skills into the Shadow and Assassin lines.

Darkness favors Nightblade tanks, allowing them to strike from unique angles. Make use of a one-handed weapon and shield, along with heavy armor.

The unique skills in the Siphoning and Shadow skill lines enable them to soak and recover from massive blows.

Shadows rise to aid healding Nightblades. Make use of a Restoration Staff and Light Armor, and focus your ability points on Magicka.

Beyond the skills granted in the Restoration line, the unique Nightblade Siphoning and Shadow abilities will allow you to heal and protect your party members.

Getting Started

When you arrive in High Isle, your first port of call should be GONFALON BAY, a bustling port city full of life and trade. This is a great place to pick up quests, outfit yourself with better gear, or simply get the lay of the land.

You should also seek out the SPIES IN THE SHALLOWS quest to put your sneaking skills to the test, and earn yourself the Serpent's Tongue while you're at it.